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You may have heard that when our eternal tee time is called, and we meet The Lord face-to-face, we will be asked, “What did you do with the gifts I gave you?” Following is what I will be telling Him - as if He won’t already know.
My round on the course of life began on March 26, 1953, in Stamford, Connecticut. My family lived in a three-family home owned by my aunt and uncle in the Italian section of town. I use the word "home" since I didn't realize until I was older how my Father's family didn't have a lot. My uncle had a garden behind the garage. Many meals were homemade. My Father's brothers and sisters all had roles in the family. One uncle was the painter, the other a carpenter, and my Father took care of the plumbing and heating. One sister made many of the family's clothes while his other sister spoiled us. She and my uncle both worked; as kids, we all thought they were rich. Of course, they weren’t. They were just incredibly generous.
When I was eleven, my parents bought a home whose backyard looked into a fairway of the town golf course. My Father brought me to that golf course so I could begin caddying and earning money and where I would see baseball legend Jackie Robinson who lived in Stamford, come to play nine holes several afternoons each week during the summers. I began practically living at the course, caddying and playing the game, it became a part of me, and it seemed I had been given a God-given gift at it.
By the time I was fifteen, I was shooting in the 70s most rounds, yet I had no formal training. We "dug our games out of the dirt," as the expression goes. In June of 1968, an unknown touring pro named Lee Trevino came to play the club. It was the Saturday before he would win his first of two United States Opens. I remember it was also the day of Robert Kennedy's funeral. I and others at the club came to know Lee and would see him several times a year for the next six years. He was a cool guy, and I wanted to be just like him. It was off-the-chart exciting.
That September, I entered my sophomore year of high school with my sights set on making the varsity golf team, which I would do. The following year I would be playing in the number one position as a junior, and little did I know I was getting scouted by college golf coaches.
The Practice Area consists of a Daily Warm Up and Wrap Up. Preparing for the day and taking an inventory at its completion is critical to our success. How we show up for each day without question affects our timing, focus, and effectiveness. The Practice Area brings back to life the lost necessity of "Balance" in daily living. You will find both a long and short version in a pocket-sized print version, and it can be used on any virtual device or in recorded form to eliminate the excuse for not having time.
This is where spiritual and physical reflexes are shaped. It consists of clubs for playing the game of life, sport and life psychology, and spiritual cardio and spiritual strength training. Life rarely gives a "heads-up" before it strikes, which doesn't give time to think. A winner must develop a sound "response" reflex that replaces the innate "reaction" reflex. This training can be found in pocket-sized and virtually and has been tested and proven to work – if you work it.
Our 9-hole Beginner/Refresher Course is designed to shape the beginner and reinforce the critical foundation of the advanced/mature player required to have a prayer on the Championship Course. This course has been designed through the wisdom of the Beatitudes as presented during the Sermon on the Mount. Caddies are not required. When practicing, it is suggested this course be played leisurely, wisely, and alone to begin shaping and fine-tuning the vital spiritual reflexes of champions. Remember, the sole purpose of this course is to "Shape" the player and keep them focused.
Our Championship Course is made up of 18-holes over three varying layouts as follows; "The Seven Deadlies," "Fruits of the Spirit," and "Victory Corner." These holes are designed as roadmaps to playing the game of life. Caddies (accountability relationships) are a must. This layout is just too demanding. The design deceptions are far too daunting to tackle without the assistance of a peace that passes all understanding, a sound game plan, local knowledge/wisdom, and strict accountability. Unlike the Beginner / Refresher Course, "Caddies Are A MUST.
The Daily Scorecard measures efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. Use of the Daily Scorecard begins during The Daily Warm Up, and its use concludes with The Daily Wrap Up. Unlike a typical planner, the Daily Scorecard is posted precisely as a score is posted after an appointment, meeting, or task is completed. The Daily Score Card is then carried over to the Scoring System weekly to monitor and analyze productivity. Score Cards are available in both booklets of 31 days and individual cards. E-books are fillable and can be used on various devices if stored in a cloud-based platform such as OneDrive, Google, etc.
The system consists of several components critical to your overall performance. They are a Life Balance Wheel, a Life Rhythm Grid, and a KNOW Your Strongholds Assessment. In life, as in golf, we reap what we sow. Sure we can get lucky, but we can't depend on luck for our success. Fact is, the more we sow, the luckier we seem to get. This system must be used thoroughly, consistently, and with very close accountability.
The Journal can be the most valuable aid you have. Journaling takes on various forms. It can be a wonderful healing process to help you get in touch with your strongholds. If done consistently it can uncover valuable patterns that both hold you back and help you succeed. While we live in a technological age, journaling is proven to be most effective when you put pencil or pen to paper. While journaling can reveal your deepest yearnings, find resolve for problems, and deal with personal issues it will also set a wonderful rhythm to life and shape a gracious perspective that unlocks life’s fullness. The Journal consists of 30 pages that will prove to be very valuable for journaling and also for recording key discoveries that work for you. It is critical that your journal be shared regularly with your caddie and/or accountability buddy.
Daily Inspirations for Life is composed of 366 dated daily inspirational and life training mesages. While there are numerous types of these available today, this one is unique for 4 very distinct reasons.
Each year on March 1st the readings enter into the Easter season for the next six weeks tracing the steps of Jesus leading up to the crucifixion. Since Easter is not a fixed date each year we move to the Holy Week readings beginning Palm Sunday and continuing through the week following Easter. Afterwards, pick up where you left off and you will find yourself back on date shortly. The Table of Contents is color coded by topic and the topics can be found in the chart following the table.
“Being an introverted person, I sought refuge in my inner world and began writing life and golf tips with biblical references. Next, I began sending these tips by e-mail to our distribution list. Due to the reach of the internet, the tips quickly began traveling the country. I began receiving testimonials weekly from golfers and non-golfers alike, telling me how blessed they were by the messages in the tips and the impact they were having on their lives.
Then a testimonial came from Hong Kong telling me about a men’s golf fellowship that was launched by the name of “Mulligans." Their mission was to "OB" their existing lives and tee up a new life following the teachings of Christ in part through the use of the tips. I was the furthest thing from a writer, so I knew these tips were without question coming from that “Power” outside myself. The newfound wisdom I was gaining in AA was due to the rigorous honesty I was learning through sharing my personal experience, strength, and hope to benefit others.”
There are nearly 300 tips for both games included in the second edition. The publication is divided between individual tips and topical series.
I hope you will enjoy and they will help your games.
Arnold Palmer had a saying, "The road to success is always under construction." Developing a sound and realistic game plan will be critical to your success and for developing keen spiritual reflexes to respond to what life sends your way.
The Country Club of Life Game Plan Development is made up of the following:
What Are We Trying To Accomplish?
When an elephant is born as part of its early training a chain is wrapped, around its right hind leg and the chain is attached to a stake which is then driven into the ground. This maneuver trains the elephant so that when it is fully grown, and it is tied to a stake it will never move. The purpose of this training is where the saying, "A
When an elephant is born as part of its early training a chain is wrapped, around its right hind leg and the chain is attached to a stake which is then driven into the ground. This maneuver trains the elephant so that when it is fully grown, and it is tied to a stake it will never move. The purpose of this training is where the saying, "An elephant never forgets." Fact is the elephant does not realize if it wanted to it could pull that stake out of the ground with a sneeze. The stake has absolutely no power over it.
Many of us have much in common with the elephant. Only our chains are invisible. They are those things that have trained our thinking to grip life in such a way that they hold us down. Like the elephant they have absolutely no power over us. This assessment provides a vivid example of False Evidence Appearing Real and will serve as a powerful weapon when used for personal life challenges.
Resentment is the "number one" offender that causes us to be ungrateful. Resentment is cunning and disguises itself very deceptively into an array of varying emotions. Resentment destroys more people than anything else. From it stems all forms of physical and spiritual disease. Be aware; that what the mind is too distressed to contain it
Resentment is the "number one" offender that causes us to be ungrateful. Resentment is cunning and disguises itself very deceptively into an array of varying emotions. Resentment destroys more people than anything else. From it stems all forms of physical and spiritual disease. Be aware; that what the mind is too distressed to contain it will cast onto the body. This spiritual disease causes us to develop an "unconscious competence" to "self-sabotage ourselves," which is unconsciously generated from feeling guilty about our hurts, causing us to doubt ourselves and, for some, believing we deserve to live in pain and distress. If not fearlessly confronted, continuing to re-live our hurts and resentments causes us to eventually "hate" and then hurt ourselves when things may be too late to amend.
In our speed-addicted society, the more noise we can put into our lives, the more indestructible we can feel. This assessment teaches the importance of when knowing when to H.A.L.T. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired.
Today we live in a world where we often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work we have, and we are always cramming with deadlines. The busyness we are experiencing today at pandemic levels is a symptom of ineffective prioritizing and idealism. However, in many cases, the cause of today's busyness is self-centered. It is an "Action" addict
Today we live in a world where we often feel overwhelmed by the amount of work we have, and we are always cramming with deadlines. The busyness we are experiencing today at pandemic levels is a symptom of ineffective prioritizing and idealism. However, in many cases, the cause of today's busyness is self-centered. It is an "Action" addiction to speed America has been deceived into applauding. It is not antisocial or considered immoral behavior, but it can be just as destructive. It is a misplaced dependence that can often be identified as compulsive, excessive busyness. A life with its priorities in effective order has balance, harmony and peace rooted in an ordered private inner world. It has come to determine and accept both "Whose" and "Who" it is and has defined its definition of success. This assessment will be a tremendous resource to help you live a life of significance no matter where on the social ladder you are.
"Simplicity is a key ingredient of a joy-filled life. Choose the simple things always. Life will become "jammed" if we let it be so and if we do not face ourselves – head-on. Demands can swamp us if we let them take priority and crowd out the sounds of the silence planted deeply in our brains. Every difficulty can be either solved or igno
"Simplicity is a key ingredient of a joy-filled life. Choose the simple things always. Life will become "jammed" if we let it be so and if we do not face ourselves – head-on. Demands can swamp us if we let them take priority and crowd out the sounds of the silence planted deeply in our brains. Every difficulty can be either solved or ignored, and something better substituted. Love the humble things of life. Reverence the simple things. Your standard must never be the world's standard of wealth and power. It is critically important that we gain control of our time from an early age. We as parents and individuals need to take an honest look into the lessons we have learned and establish these principles in our own lives if we have any chance of affecting our children positively in the competitive world, we are bringing them up in. Time is a highly emotional commodity. Busyness can be a symptom of emotions from which we are running. This assessment will flush those emotions out and free up time to smell the roses. It may be later than you think.
The KNOW Sin Zone Training Facility: Our training facility is state of the art. Here our members come to KNOW the blaring strongholds that self-sabotage them from achieving the success they desire. Here they will learn about what we term "A Hard Reset." In sports terms it's an emotional and spiritual cleanse of sorts using extensive train
The KNOW Sin Zone Training Facility: Our training facility is state of the art. Here our members come to KNOW the blaring strongholds that self-sabotage them from achieving the success they desire. Here they will learn about what we term "A Hard Reset." In sports terms it's an emotional and spiritual cleanse of sorts using extensive training assessments developed over the years designed to retrain the mind. It consists of Spiritual Cardio Training and Spiritual Strength Training along with spiritual affirmations mostly that claims new data into both the heart and mind.
Rigorously identifying one's character defects and the various salves used to cover up these defects is how one can hope to "narrow the gap" (The KNOW Sin Zone) between God's design for humanity and individual humanness. Once these defects are identified, the best we can hope for is a consciously repentant self that keeps us on notice that we are flawed and humbly aware that we would be living in eternal abandon without the person on Jesus Christ.
When an elephant is born as part of its early training a chain is wrapped, around its right hind leg and the chain is attached to a stake which is then driven into the ground. This maneuver trains the elephant so that when it is fully grown, and it is tied to a stake it will never move. The purpose of this training is where the saying, "A
When an elephant is born as part of its early training a chain is wrapped, around its right hind leg and the chain is attached to a stake which is then driven into the ground. This maneuver trains the elephant so that when it is fully grown, and it is tied to a stake it will never move. The purpose of this training is where the saying, "An elephant never forgets." Fact is the elephant does not realize if it wanted to it could pull that stake out of the ground with a sneeze. The stake has absolutely no power over it.
Many of us have much in common with the elephant. Only our chains are invisible. They are those things that have trained our thinking to grip life in such a way that they hold us down. Like the elephant they have absolutely no power over us. This assessment provides a vivid example of False Evidence Appearing Real and will serve as a powerful weapon when used for personal life challenges.
Want to live a full life? Build your Gratitude List Daily. When asked what his secret or formula for success was, Gary Player responded, "Gratitude." "The Rhythm of the Game - Like the Rhythm of Life." Gratitude is a choice that shapes a winning rhythm and develops into a spiritual reflex if practiced daily. You do not have to let things
Want to live a full life? Build your Gratitude List Daily. When asked what his secret or formula for success was, Gary Player responded, "Gratitude." "The Rhythm of the Game - Like the Rhythm of Life." Gratitude is a choice that shapes a winning rhythm and develops into a spiritual reflex if practiced daily. You do not have to let things upset you. You do not have to be anxious and worried. YOU can set and control your rhythm in life by how incurably grateful your attitude is. The word peace means "to set at one again." You will automatically have peace when you set your heart at one with God and His Word. When you have peace, you cannot help but be grateful.
Resentment is the "number one" offender that causes us to be ungrateful. Resentment is cunning and disguises itself very deceptively into an array of varying emotions. Resentment destroys more people than anything else. From it stems all forms of physical and spiritual disease. Be aware; that what the mind is too distressed to contain it
Resentment is the "number one" offender that causes us to be ungrateful. Resentment is cunning and disguises itself very deceptively into an array of varying emotions. Resentment destroys more people than anything else. From it stems all forms of physical and spiritual disease. Be aware; that what the mind is too distressed to contain it will cast onto the body. This spiritual disease causes us to develop an "unconscious competence" to "self-sabotage ourselves," which is unconsciously generated from feeling guilty about our hurts, causing us to doubt ourselves and, for some, believing we deserve to live in pain and distress. If not fearlessly confronted, continuing to re-live our hurts and resentments causes us to eventually "hate" and then hurt ourselves when things may be too late to amend.
In our speed-addicted society, the more noise we can put into our lives, the more indestructible we can feel. This assessment teaches the importance of when knowing when to H.A.L.T. Hungry Angry Lonely Tired.
This assessment is designed to assist you in providing and accepting your powerlessness and un-manageability on a gut level. This exercise cannot be over-emphasized until each of us accepts the seriousness and devastating effects of our powerlessness and unmanageable areas of our lives. Equally important is its impact on the people, place
This assessment is designed to assist you in providing and accepting your powerlessness and un-manageability on a gut level. This exercise cannot be over-emphasized until each of us accepts the seriousness and devastating effects of our powerlessness and unmanageable areas of our lives. Equally important is its impact on the people, places, and things in life that are most important to us. Without acceptance, the game of life will cause us to isolate ourselves, leading to hopelessness and defeat. Fact is the power of admitting our powerlessness and un-manageability is that it is the first step to taking back or maybe discovering the abundant life Christ gave us by his death on the cross. In this assessment, you will come to identify your powerlessness and the areas of life that are robbing you of abundant living.
You open a cabinet in the kitchen when an item – or more, comes flying out, and you snag one and bobble the other before securing it. It is a snag for the record books! Darn right, you've been there, and your reflexes responded. That's a physical reflex. Let's now look at the mental side of things. There are no reflexes when life is unsta
You open a cabinet in the kitchen when an item – or more, comes flying out, and you snag one and bobble the other before securing it. It is a snag for the record books! Darn right, you've been there, and your reflexes responded. That's a physical reflex. Let's now look at the mental side of things. There are no reflexes when life is unstable and out of balance. This is when the Yips rear their terminal captivity. Double-mindedness began shortly after the creation of humanity. As human concerns, we decided to have it both ways. We now had to think about what a natural reflex was originally. We were forced to cover up, and that cover-up kept us progressively off balance until we fell – to some degree. This trap in today's culture led us to develop "The KNOW Sin Zone." Its logo is that of half a person.
Golf requires a person to be in "Golf Shape" to perform at peak performance. What does this mean? People who run miles daily are surprised when walking a golf course how tired they are at the end of the round. Walking the various golf course terrains takes specialized cardiovascular training that only comes from walking a golf course to g
Golf requires a person to be in "Golf Shape" to perform at peak performance. What does this mean? People who run miles daily are surprised when walking a golf course how tired they are at the end of the round. Walking the various golf course terrains takes specialized cardiovascular training that only comes from walking a golf course to get into "Golf Shape." Life requires a person to be in "Spiritual Shape" to play at peak performance. What does this mean?
Some people who run miles daily complete their routines and then tee up their day with hearts filled with anxiety, fear, bitterness, rage, anger, etc. Walking through each day is an uphill climb and requires specialized "Spiritual" cardiovascular training and the physical that one can only get here at The Country Club of Life. In this assessment you will be taught a valuable Spiritual Cardio Training Regimen.
Why do Rory McIlroy and Ricky Fowler move the ball as they do at their size? Before beginning a strength training regimen, there is one thing the golfer must do. They must develop a swing method that delivers the clubface squarely against the back of the ball at impact, causing it to be hit solidly in the center of the clubface while movi
Why do Rory McIlroy and Ricky Fowler move the ball as they do at their size? Before beginning a strength training regimen, there is one thing the golfer must do. They must develop a swing method that delivers the clubface squarely against the back of the ball at impact, causing it to be hit solidly in the center of the clubface while moving its fastest (118 mph) precisely at this point. Without this, forget getting stronger. You will develop only a brute strength, entirely useless for your objective.
Spiritual strength is no different. Before beginning a spiritual strength training regimen, there is one thing a person must do. They must develop a solid manner of living that plays life squarely down the middle. Need more strength when it comes to fear? Why? Anxiety, why? Exaggerating or boasting about yourself, Why? Without this critical component, forget getting stronger. You will develop only a brute strength and lack of feeling which will be entirely useless for your objective.
This is where the rubber meets the road. A true champion must subscribe to a method of living that includes a sustainable training regimen in sport and life. A winner knows that life around them needs to be balanced to function at peak performance. Apart from injury, NOTHING brings down an athlete more than a life that has become unmanage
This is where the rubber meets the road. A true champion must subscribe to a method of living that includes a sustainable training regimen in sport and life. A winner knows that life around them needs to be balanced to function at peak performance. Apart from injury, NOTHING brings down an athlete more than a life that has become unmanageable. This assessment is a daily training regimen that will keep life in balance and provide for the much-needed serenity a champion needs to achieve greatness and live a life of purpose. Please pay close attention to the three-legged stool realizing should one of those legs break off; it CAN NOT balance.
It is the quality of certainty we seek when we compare called and driven persons. Driven people are confident they have that quality as they forge ahead. But often, when least expected, life hits, and they surrender to their "strongholds," whether consciously or unconsciously. Called people, on the other hand, submit to a Power outside th
It is the quality of certainty we seek when we compare called and driven persons. Driven people are confident they have that quality as they forge ahead. But often, when least expected, life hits, and they surrender to their "strongholds," whether consciously or unconsciously. Called people, on the other hand, submit to a Power outside themselves. They draw strength from within through that Power that fuels perseverance impervious to the blows from without. Called people can come from the strangest places and carry unique qualifications. They can be the unnoticed, the unappreciated, the unsophisticated. Look at the men Christ picked: few of them would have been candidates for high positions in organized religion or big business today. It is not that they were unusually awkward. It is just that they were among the ordinary. But Christ called them, and that made all the difference. Rather than living according to driven-ness, some are drawn toward the beckoning hand of the calling Father. Such calls can only be heard within an ordered private world. Remember, there is a Power in you greater than any power that can ever come against you.
At The Country Club of Life, "G.R.I.T." stands for, Gratitude Responds Intensely to Testing. "In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries - NEVER. Deep in our soul, a quiet ember. Know it's you against you; it's a paradox that drives us on. It's a battle of wills in the heat of the attack. The
At The Country Club of Life, "G.R.I.T." stands for, Gratitude Responds Intensely to Testing. "In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries - NEVER. Deep in our soul, a quiet ember. Know it's you against you; it's a paradox that drives us on. It's a battle of wills in the heat of the attack. The passion kills - The victory is Yours/God'salone."
It cannot be more clearly stated than this. It's the "Eye of the Tiger." Can anyone find this kind of G.R.I.T.? If the final victory is yours alone, the possibility is very slim. However, if you have done what most won't and continue to do what most won't, and discover God's purpose for your Life, this G.R.I.T. will fall into place due to a burning and burdened heart for others. Think about this, "It is a sad fate for a man to die too well known to everybody else and still unknown to himself." Do you have what it takes to "Find Your Game"?
“Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord!” Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation. “Waiting” and “Preparation” are words somewhat foreign in today’s instant gratification society.
The following text is just that, waiting, preparing, and maintaining, and how our hearts can be shaped into a Bethlehem for the Christ-child throughout
“Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord!” Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation. “Waiting” and “Preparation” are words somewhat foreign in today’s instant gratification society.
The following text is just that, waiting, preparing, and maintaining, and how our hearts can be shaped into a Bethlehem for the Christ-child throughout the year. You may find it repetitive at times; this is no mistake. Training requires repetition. Advent is the beginning of the church year in Western Christianity. You will at times read, “at the club,” this refers to our training platform at The Country Club of Life.
To begin, turn to the Table of Contents. It is designed as a clickable calendar with links to readings covering November 21st thru January 6th.
Toward the back of this book, there are twelve fillable “Journal” pages. Date your daily entrees since they will show critical patterns when it comes time to shape your annual maintenance plan. A maintenance outline follows the journal.
Finally, there are training assessments in the appendices. These are fillable assessments and must be completed thoroughly and with accountability whenever possible.
If you have suggestions as to how we might improve on the content of this text, we would appreciate hearing from you since we want to touch as many lives as we can. Our e-mail is
Thank you! May you be blessed with a joy-filled and hope-filled new year.
Journaling is far from note-taking. Journaling is the art of identifying patterns that can determine what could be keeping a person from achieving their God-given talents.
In the movie City Slickers, Jack Palance stars as a leather-faced cow hand named Curly. The film plots three men, all friends, who go on a cattle drive as a midlife cri
Journaling is far from note-taking. Journaling is the art of identifying patterns that can determine what could be keeping a person from achieving their God-given talents.
In the movie City Slickers, Jack Palance stars as a leather-faced cow hand named Curly. The film plots three men, all friends, who go on a cattle drive as a midlife crisis-type drill. That’s where they would meet up with Curly.
The three friends would, from time to time, ask Curley what the secret to life was. Infamously, Curley held up one finger. Finally, Curly was asked what the one finger meant. Curley replied, “Life‘s about one thing; you’ll know it when you find it.”
Here at Game of Life Foundation, we think of that one thing as the key log that frees our attitude to match our ability and how it leads to our God-given purpose in life.
If you have suggestions on how we might improve the content of this text, we would appreciate hearing from you since we want to touch as many lives as possible. Our e-mail is
Thank you! May you be blessed with a joy-filled and hope-filled new year.
The word “Lent” is derived from an old English word meaning “spring” and is a period of penance and abstinence observed by many Christians. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (a different date every year) and ends on Holy Thursday (the day before Good Friday when Christians commemorate Jesus Christ’s crucifixion). That’s a period of 40 days
The word “Lent” is derived from an old English word meaning “spring” and is a period of penance and abstinence observed by many Christians. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (a different date every year) and ends on Holy Thursday (the day before Good Friday when Christians commemorate Jesus Christ’s crucifixion). That’s a period of 40 days if you don’t count Sundays. Lent is an homage to Jesus’ 40 days spent fasting in the desert to prepare for his Earth ministry.
Lent officially began during the Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E.,[1] a first-of-its-kind gathering of representatives from all the major Christian sects. Initially, the rules around Lent were stringent. Those observing it were only allowed to eat one meal a day and only in the evening. Meat, fish, and animal products were off-limits. But by the 1400s, Christians were allowed to eat by noon. Eventually, other foods (like fish) were allowed, and in 1966, the Roman Catholic Church restricted fast days only to Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
If you have suggestions as to how we might improve on the content of this text, we would appreciate hearing from you since we want to touch as many lives as we can. Our e-mail is
Thank you! May you be blessed with a joy-filled and hope-filled new year.
[1] C.E. Church of England.
Bet you didn't know your finances had a personality? Well, they sure do. In fact, a well-trained coach can pretty much get a feel for your financial condition by your wallet or purse and your record keeping. Your upbringing and the attitudes around money and success you grew up with shaped your financial personality. A fillable pdf to ass
Bet you didn't know your finances had a personality? Well, they sure do. In fact, a well-trained coach can pretty much get a feel for your financial condition by your wallet or purse and your record keeping. Your upbringing and the attitudes around money and success you grew up with shaped your financial personality. A fillable pdf to assist you in identifying your money personality type, and how it affects your overall financial wellbeing.
Two of the most common symptoms of spiritual immaturity are hoarding and overspending. Both conditions fail to reflect the balance and maturity God desires. Why? Hoarding and overspending are forms of security - false and destructive as they are. When an over-spender marries a hoarder, the stage is set for conflict. If opposites do in fac
Two of the most common symptoms of spiritual immaturity are hoarding and overspending. Both conditions fail to reflect the balance and maturity God desires. Why? Hoarding and overspending are forms of security - false and destructive as they are. When an over-spender marries a hoarder, the stage is set for conflict. If opposites do in fact attract, this fillable pdf is a must. If you're single, you're not off the hook. Examining your false securities will be critical to your future success.
While a Prosperity Consciousness is the ability to function effortlessly and peacefully in the physical world, having money or not, a Poverty Consciousness, on the other hand, relates to negative thoughts of survival and security. It is also linked to thoughts relating to approval and love. Poverty Consciousness is a set of attitudes, bel
While a Prosperity Consciousness is the ability to function effortlessly and peacefully in the physical world, having money or not, a Poverty Consciousness, on the other hand, relates to negative thoughts of survival and security. It is also linked to thoughts relating to approval and love. Poverty Consciousness is a set of attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and values-based in fear, guilt, shame, and anxiety. A fillable pdf designed to get at the key-log that may have you stuck.
You will be happy to know that a Spending Plan is not a budget. It is an Excel-based model that will help you match your income to your needs and desires, exercise clear options, and make informed choices about your finances. Note: The difference between the two versions is, the "Tithe" Version allocates funds for savings and tithing. The standard version allocates funds for savings only.
An Excel-based comprehensive template is an audit of assets and liabilities. Worksheets are for assets and liabilities held by the husband, wife, or in trust. Once entrees are completed, the final worksheet is a bar chart summary. This assessment is very user-friendly and can be edited as your situation changes.
Ok! You're 80, hanging around an assisted living facility, and your life and the lives of those closest to you feel like you're all living a real-life version of the movie "Ground Hog Day." Depending on how the statistics lean for you, you might be in the lucky 10% of those over 80 who will die suddenly, or the preceding scenario Will Be
Ok! You're 80, hanging around an assisted living facility, and your life and the lives of those closest to you feel like you're all living a real-life version of the movie "Ground Hog Day." Depending on how the statistics lean for you, you might be in the lucky 10% of those over 80 who will die suddenly, or the preceding scenario Will Be Your Life - AND YOUR BIGGEST WITNESS YET. ARE YOU READY? This time will not be about the size of the estate you're leaving or how efficient your estate tax plan is, but about "Who" you really are. That will be your legacy, and this is the part of a legacy plan few get around to planning because if they have identified it, it's not a relevant piece on the radar screen of the attorneys and financial planners. The legacy we're concerned about has all to do with what we've been covering up with and finding the courage to blow our cover before it's too late by visiting what I call "The KNOW Sin Zone." It's here we must come to grip with the idols that have been separating us from God since we cast Him to the periphery of a life riddled with fear and apprehension. As we age in this zone, we become more and more pickled in guilt and shame, and the cover-up keeps getting deeper. At the same time, underneath it all, we know we're a fraud as we begin to realize the idols just haven't been doing it. We finally realize that "Something" else should be filling the separation currently being occupied with the idols moth and rust will destroy as scripture tells us.
Unlike a last will and testament, which details how one's possessions will be distributed, an Ethical Will (Hebrew: "Zava'ah") is a document designed to pass ethical values from one generation to the next. Following is an ethical will from Jacob to his sons. It is in a fillable pdf format for easy editing and updating.
You've probably heard the horror stories when illness and/or death (especially sudden) hits a family. Where are the medical, insurance and other pertinent records kept? Not being prepared for the inevitable inflicts increased pressure on an already pressure-packed life event - and it can be extremely costly at times. Our Property Book co
You've probably heard the horror stories when illness and/or death (especially sudden) hits a family. Where are the medical, insurance and other pertinent records kept? Not being prepared for the inevitable inflicts increased pressure on an already pressure-packed life event - and it can be extremely costly at times. Our Property Book comes in a fillable pdf format for easy editing and the document cover can be custom printed if desired with the individual(s) and advisor names.
Succession Planning is a critical component often addressed as part of strategic planning. It is crucial to an organization's success and should provide for a process that recognizes, develops, and retains top leadership talent. Boards often create a succession plan outlining the process for retaining, developing, and/or replacing the Chi
Succession Planning is a critical component often addressed as part of strategic planning. It is crucial to an organization's success and should provide for a process that recognizes, develops, and retains top leadership talent. Boards often create a succession plan outlining the process for retaining, developing, and/or replacing the Chief Executive of a nonprofit organization. While this plan is thoughtfully designed and then put in the drawer until needed, it is critical for sustaining and advancing the organization's future growth. The succession plan is tethered to the mission, strategic goals, and fundraising to keep the organization moving forward. Nonprofit organizations that are committed to maintaining strong leadership create succession plans to ensure continuity of leadership.
A Game of Life Fellowship is a group of male golfers between the ages of 12 and older who play golf together on a regular basis for one, two, or all of the following purposes.
FELLOWSHIP Offers Refuge & Encouragement, F.O.R.E.
“Fore” means “to go ahead.” A “Fore Caddie” goes out ahead of their player to watch their ball usually on a blin
A Game of Life Fellowship is a group of male golfers between the ages of 12 and older who play golf together on a regular basis for one, two, or all of the following purposes.
FELLOWSHIP Offers Refuge & Encouragement, F.O.R.E.
“Fore” means “to go ahead.” A “Fore Caddie” goes out ahead of their player to watch their ball usually on a blind shot or when there's trouble ahead. When “Fore!” echoes throughout a golf course and we are standing next to someone, instinctively we will shield that other person. So, that rests the case made by Rick Warren in his best-seller [The Purpose Driven Life] that we were made for fellowship.
To play well on this demanding course of life, we must be in fellowship where we will find the valuable local knowledge only the seasoned members have gained. The bible tells us that the Master Caddie, "God" goes ahead of us in life, and watches those blind and trouble spots for us. Combine this with the refuge and encouragement we get from fellowship, and God will make our path in life straight.
DISCIPLESHIP Illuminates Valiant Obedience & Trust, D.I.V.O.T.
“Disciple” comes from the word “Discipline.” Whether in life or golf a disciple is a “learner” and they possess two champion qualities; they are teachable and they are disciplined and these two qualities lead to wisdom which a disciple uses to benefit others both in sport and life. A disciple is not afraid to dig into the depth of their being where they will hear God reveal His purpose for them so they can deepen their obedience and trust in Him in order that they can earn the obedience and trust of others.
In both life and golf, we must dig it out of the dirt to play both games with accuracy and credibility. It’s a result of being disciplined and learning more about God and ourselves that enhances our faith and confidence and will empower us to bear fruit in both games leading us to the mission of the Great Commission.
EVANGELISM Affirms God’s Loving Embrace, E.A.G.L.E.
Once again let’s go to Bagger. “Ain't a soul on this entire earth ain't got a burden to carry he don't understand, you ain't alone in that... But you been carryin' this one long enough... Time to go on... lay it down.”
What Bagger is saying is that it’s time to dig the dirt out of life in order that we can be free and gain the wisdom that will benefit and impact others. What Jesus asked “The Invalid” at the pool in Bethesda was, “Do you ‘really’ want to get well?” Then he simply said to the invalid, “Pick up your mat and walk.”
For our evangelism to be real and effective, we had to “choose to come out of the shadows.” Only until we walk through “the shadows of the valley of death” which were once our hiding places can we be effective in “assuring” God’s loving embrace which shapes us through Fellowship and Discipleship.
The United States Golf Association (USGA) is the United States' national association of golf courses, clubs and facilities and the governing body of golf for the United States and Mexico. Together with The Royal & Ancient (R&A), the USGA produces and interprets the rules of golf. The USGA also provides a national handicap system for golfe
The United States Golf Association (USGA) is the United States' national association of golf courses, clubs and facilities and the governing body of golf for the United States and Mexico. Together with The Royal & Ancient (R&A), the USGA produces and interprets the rules of golf. The USGA also provides a national handicap system for golfers, conducts 14 national championships, including the U.S. Open, U.S. Women's Open and U.S. Senior Open, and tests golf equipment for conformity with regulations. The USGA is headquartered at Golf House in Far Hills, New Jersey.
The USGA was originally formed in 1894 to resolve the question of a national amateur championship. Earlier that year, the Newport Country Club and Saint Andrew's Golf Club, Yonkers, New York, both declared the winners of their tournaments the "national amateur champion." That autumn, delegates from Newport, St. Andrew's, The Country Club, Chicago Golf Club, and Shinnecock Hills Golf Club met in New York City to form a national governing body, which would administer the championship and also the Rules of Golf for the country. On December 22, 1894, the Amateur Golf Association of the United States was officially formed, and was shortly thereafter renamed the "United States Golf Association." Theodore Havemeyer was the first president, and the U.S. Amateur trophy is named in his honor.
The first U.S. Amateur was held in 1895 at the Newport Country Club, with Charles B. Macdonald (who was runner-up at both of the previous year's tournaments) winning the championship. The first U.S. Open was held the following day, almost as an afterthought. It was not until 1898 that the two events were held at separate clubs. Today, the USGA administers 14 separate national championships, ten of which are expressly for amateurs.
The USGA gradually expanded its membership from the original five clubs. There were 267 club members in 1910, and 1,138 clubs by 1932. Membership fell off during the Great Depression and World War II, but recovered by 1947. By 1980 there were over 5,000 clubs, and today membership exceeds 9,700.
On September 17, 1956, Ann Gregory began competing in the U.S. Women's Amateur Championship, thus becoming the first African-American woman to play in a national championship conducted by the USGA.
he Country Club of Life (here-in-after referred to as CC of Life) is a virtual life coaching and training system. It is a holistic training bent on the development of the "Whole" person. The system is a Tried, Proven, and Custom-developed testing into our students' lives', Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, Intellectually, Financially
he Country Club of Life (here-in-after referred to as CC of Life) is a virtual life coaching and training system. It is a holistic training bent on the development of the "Whole" person. The system is a Tried, Proven, and Custom-developed testing into our students' lives', Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, Intellectually, Financially, and Socially. Our coaching techniques and methods are rooted in the belief in Intelligent Design. Why? With over 30 years of clinical observation, trial, and research, we have observed that determining "Whose" we are will be critical to eventually discovering "Who" we are – and accepting the limitations of our discovery. "Who" we are and being anything one makes their minds to be are typically the goals of most coaching techniques. Our research, trials, and findings strongly rebuke that approach. It is only through determining where we came from that we can determine where we're going. It is only through the acceptance of our defects of character and limitations that we can develop a successful focused, workable, and closely monitored game plan for our students. However, we do not reject and do not attempt to change the findings and opinions of contrarians. We operate solely from a position of attraction - not promotion or opposition. Experience has shown us many want what we offer, making it unnecessary to debate the pundits.
“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.” -Proverbs 15:2
In golf, the definition of a caddie is “a person who goes before the golfer whose bag they are carrying.” The caddie is aware of the challenges and obstacles of the golf course being played, along with the best strategy for playing it. Caddies may also g
“Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.” -Proverbs 15:2
In golf, the definition of a caddie is “a person who goes before the golfer whose bag they are carrying.” The caddie is aware of the challenges and obstacles of the golf course being played, along with the best strategy for playing it. Caddies may also give insightful advice and moral support, including knowing overall yardage, pin placements, pace and read of greens, and club selection. The caddie’s job is to do the thinking while the player’s responsibility is execution.
The bible tells us, “The LORD is the one who goes before us and will be with us; he will never leave us nor forsake us.” In life, GOD goes before us, leading us in Good Orderly Direction. Combined with our accountability, we pack a Powerful “One-Two” punch that will make our path in life straight. You need to apply your Powerlessness and Execute. The Dynamic Duo heading up your team will do your thinking, plot your strategy and carry your baggage
Following Is A Typical Accountability Plan
· Make contact via text, e-mail, or phone call with your accountability first thing daily if for nothing more than to say “Hello!.”
· Establish a code with them in case of an emergency. Do not EVER feel as though you are bothering them. Satan wants you to do that, so your accountability partner isn’t blessed by serving God as they serve you.
· Meet with your accountability at least weekly. Always deal with them in complete honesty. Think about it this way. Truth is to Satan as Kryptonite is to Superman. You win every time!
· Continually remind yourself of your Powerlessness and thank God for this relationship.
We help our clients maximize their personal and professional potential through thoughtful discussions and creative processes. We differ from other methods since before we can help our clients discover "Who"they are, we guide them in discovering "Whose" they are. Our many years of research and clinical observation have shown the discovery
We help our clients maximize their personal and professional potential through thoughtful discussions and creative processes. We differ from other methods since before we can help our clients discover "Who"they are, we guide them in discovering "Whose" they are. Our many years of research and clinical observation have shown the discovery of "Whose" our clients are will be more valuable than trying to discover "Who"they are as other processes do. The value of this intake will be determined by the thoroughness used in completing it. That's step one. The work begins in step two when the coach probes the information provided by the client. As you go through this assessment, DON'T RUSH! Like life, you will reap what you sow. Spend time as you answer the questions, and BE THOROUGH!
Over 200 Life and Golf tips to take you to the next level in both games. These tips have traveled the world via the internet and have been a catalyst for golf fellowships in Hong Kong, Australia, and the US.
The following text is composed of 366 dated daily inspirational and life training messages. While there are numerous types of these available today, this one is unique for four very distinct reasons.
· It begins on November 21 with the intent to start preparing your heart for the true meaning of Christmas - the Birth of Christ.
· To walk
The following text is composed of 366 dated daily inspirational and life training messages. While there are numerous types of these available today, this one is unique for four very distinct reasons.
· It begins on November 21 with the intent to start preparing your heart for the true meaning of Christmas - the Birth of Christ.
· To walk you through the Bible using a convenient theology that applies to everyday life. Plan to lighten up your schedule each year the week before Easter and make a firm commitment to the readings, and the week will serve as an annual life renewal.
· Train you to narrow the gap in The KNOW Sin Zone as you identify your strongholds, eliminating or blocking them out of your life.
· Develop spiritual reflexes so that you can respond to rather than react to life.
· 366 inspirational messages to guide you through the year and educate you on what walking with God looks like in today's world.
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A 501 c3 Registered Non-Profit Corporation