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It's a game played with a stick, a ball, and a hole in the ground. Where it began, no one really knows. Yet, there is no other game as varied and complex that is exalted one moment and painful the next as golf. A game where a little white ball sitting on the ground can paralyze the most powerful and successful among us. A game where you go from immense highs to staggering lows trying to beat a competitor that doesn't exist. It's you against you. A game played on fields of beauty touched by the hand of God. It is an obsession that can begin at any age and last for a lifetime. A game that will reveal true character and blow a well-protected fraudulent self-image sky high.
Now, a question that no one can put a price tag on. "Is A Champion in life Born or Made?" What is it inside of Jack Nicklaus that caused him to not only make a crucial putt, but the ball first stops on the lip of the cup? Then almost on command, it turns ever so slowly so the camera can read the name on it, allowing the crowd just the perfect timing to build into a dramatic deafening roar before the ball curls into the cup. In sport, these guys are said to have "I.T." For our purposes, I.T. stands for Intercessory Triumph. However, be it in life, business, or sport, NOTHING brings down a champion faster than a life that has become unmanageable. In my opinion, there is no better example in sports than Jack Nicklaus, and having an exemplary wife didn't hurt. Jack had two role models shaping his career, his father and Bobby Jones. Balance is critical in the golf swing, and it is vital for success in everyday life also. Based on my memory, I don't recall Jack ever being in a battle with his game, and I followed his career very closely. Jack lived a balanced life in the following order.
If you've seen the movie "The Legend of Bagger Vance," one of his memorable sayings was, "Yes Sir, Rhythm of the Game – Like the Rhythm of Life." Countless times, we have tested this and when life is rigorously played straight down the middle, ("through the narrow gate"), you fall into a rhythm, and miracles begin to happen. How do you start this rhythm? By developing an incurable and unshakable attitude of gratitude.
Our training system is a Tried, Proven, and Custom-developed testing into our students' lives', Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, Intellectually, Financially, and Socially.
"It Works - If You Work It!"